Understanding GreenSpark Scrap Yard Software: FAQs

What should I be looking for in my scrap software?

Your software should be working for you, not the other way around. Good software should get you the information you need when you need it so that you can get the job done, rather than operate as a complex and messy fling cabinet.

Also, good software should always be improving and come with support so that you can not get stuck and get back to work. Luckily, GreenSpark Software incorporates all of the above.

Let's have a chat about your specific needs. Chat with us at hello@greensparksoftware.com.

How do I know if GreenSpark is for me?

Two questions:
1. Do you run a scrap facility?
2. Could your software be better?
If yes to both, GreenSpark Software is the solution for you. Reach out to hello@greensparksoftware.com and we can discuss how software can improve your process!

Is GreenSpark customizable?

Absolutely - we want to tailor our product to your workflow so that you're not working for your software. What are the most important customizations for your business? Let's chat! Reach out to hello@greensparksoftware.com.

Can I use GreenSpark on mobile?

Yes, GreenSpark Software is available on desktop, tablet, and mobile.

Do I need any hardware to use GreenSpark?

No, our software is all digital! However, we integrate with IP, cameras, and most scales. We can supply customers with checks, printers and other peripherals as needed to get you off the ground quickly.

Does GreenSpark sync with my accounting software?

GreenSpark integrates with major accounting softwares, including Quickbooks (Desktop/Online), Microsoft Dynamics, Sage (Intaact, 200Cloud, and Business Cloud Accounting), and Oracle Netsuite. If you have other accounting software you think we should prioritize, send us a note at hello@greensparksoftware.com.

What happens if we lose internet while using GreenSpark Software?

Many of our customers come from heritage server-based products, Excel, or paper-pencil workflows, so working online is a major change. GreenSpark Software autosaves your work so that information doesn't get lost as you work on the platform, allowing you to use the platform with real-time ease and confidence.

What differentiates GreenSpark Software from its competitors?

GreenSpark Software is the most simple, easy to use, and modern software on the market. Our goal is to bring your insights to you with the minimum number of clicks. On top of that, we are constantly improving our product to make the scrap process easier for our customers. You shouldn't be working for your software - you should have software that works for you.  Let's have a chat about your specific needs. Chat with us at hello@greensparksoftware.com.

Who runs GreenSpark Software?

GreenSpark Software was founded in 2021 by CEO Gordon Driscoll and CTO Evan Vandegriff. Our team is headquartered in New York with a quickly growing number of employees across the country. See our About page for more information!

How to Log into GreenSpark

Follow the steps below to create an account and log in to GreenSpark!You will receive an e-mail from no-reply@greensparksoftware.comGo to www.greensparksoftware.com and select the “Login” button on the top right. Enter your e-mail address / temporary password and click “Submit.” You will be prompted to create your own password.After creating your new password, make sure you 1) remember your password online or write it down in a safe place and 2) bookmark the GreenSpark home page for easy access.

How much money can I save with GreenSpark?